-- The Agda standard library
-- Patterns used in the reflection machinery

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Reflection.Pattern where

open import Data.List.Base hiding (_++_)
open import Data.List.Properties
open import Data.Product
open import Data.String as String using (String; braces; parens; _++_; _<+>_)
import Reflection.Literal as Literal
import Reflection.Name as Name
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
open import Relation.Nullary.Product using (_×-dec_)
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open import Reflection.Argument
open import Reflection.Argument.Visibility using (Visibility); open Visibility
open import Reflection.Argument.Relevance using (Relevance); open Relevance
open import Reflection.Argument.Information using (ArgInfo); open ArgInfo

-- Re-exporting the builtin type and constructors

open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection public using (Pattern)
open Pattern public

-- Decidable equality

con-injective₁ :  {c c′ args args′}  con c args  con c′ args′  c  c′
con-injective₁ refl = refl

con-injective₂ :  {c c′ args args′}  con c args  con c′ args′  args  args′
con-injective₂ refl = refl

con-injective :  {c c′ args args′}  con c args  con c′ args′  c  c′ × args  args′
con-injective = < con-injective₁ , con-injective₂ >

var-injective :  {x y}  var x  var y  x  y
var-injective refl = refl

lit-injective :  {x y}  Pattern.lit x  lit y  x  y
lit-injective refl = refl

proj-injective :  {x y}  proj x  proj y  x  y
proj-injective refl = refl

_≟s_ : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Args Pattern})
_≟_  : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Pattern})

con c ps  con c′ ps′ = Dec.map′ (uncurry (cong₂ con)) con-injective (c Name.≟ c′ ×-dec ps ≟s ps′)
var s     var s′     = Dec.map′ (cong var) var-injective (s String.≟ s′)
lit l     lit l′     = Dec.map′ (cong lit) lit-injective (l Literal.≟ l′)
proj a    proj a′    = Dec.map′ (cong proj) proj-injective (a Name.≟ a′)

con x x₁  dot = no  ())
con x x₁  var x₂ = no  ())
con x x₁  lit x₂ = no  ())
con x x₁  proj x₂ = no  ())
con x x₁  absurd = no  ())
dot  con x x₁ = no  ())
dot  dot = yes refl
dot  var x = no  ())
dot  lit x = no  ())
dot  proj x = no  ())
dot  absurd = no  ())
var s  con x x₁ = no  ())
var s  dot = no  ())
var s  lit x = no  ())
var s  proj x = no  ())
var s  absurd = no  ())
lit x  con x₁ x₂ = no  ())
lit x  dot = no  ())
lit x  var _ = no  ())
lit x  proj x₁ = no  ())
lit x  absurd = no  ())
proj x  con x₁ x₂ = no  ())
proj x  dot = no  ())
proj x  var _ = no  ())
proj x  lit x₁ = no  ())
proj x  absurd = no  ())
absurd  con x x₁ = no  ())
absurd  dot = no  ())
absurd  var _ = no  ())
absurd  lit x = no  ())
absurd  proj x = no  ())
absurd  absurd = yes refl

[]             ≟s []             = yes refl
(arg i p  xs) ≟s (arg j q  ys) = ∷-dec (unArg-dec (p  q)) (xs ≟s ys)

[]      ≟s (_  _) = no λ()
(_  _) ≟s []      = no λ()