
This file defines invertible functions in a way that makes them strictly associative and unital.

Module header

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe #-}

module Groups.Function.Inverse where

open import Cubical.Core.Primitives
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv

     ℓ′ ℓ″ ℓ‴ : Level
    A : Type 
    B : Type ℓ′
    C : Type ℓ″
    D : Type ℓ‴

The definition is given as an iterated Sigma type to make various proofs easier.

Inverse : (A : Type ) (B : Type ℓ′)  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ′)
Inverse A B = Σ[   (A  B) ] Σ[   (B  A) ]
              (∀ b x  x   b   x  b) ×
              (∀ a y  y   a   y  a)

Set Properties

We can show this is a set using standard functions from the Cubical library.

isSetInv : isSet A  isSet B  isSet (Inverse A B)
isSetInv isSetA isSetB =
  isSetΣ (isSetΠ λ x  isSetB) λ f 
    isSetΣ (isSetΠ λ x  isSetA) λ g 
      isSet× (isSetΠ3 λ x y z  isProp→isSet (isSetB (f y) x))
             (isSetΠ3 λ x y z  isProp→isSet (isSetA (g y) x))

We next prove a small lemma that says that inverses between sets are the same if their underlying (forward) functions are the same.

inverse-equality-lemma : (f g : Inverse A B)  isSet A  isSet B 
                         ((x : A)  fst f x  fst g x)  f  g
inverse-equality-lemma {A = A} {B = B} (f , finv , εf , ηf)
                                       (g , ginv , εg , ηg)
                                       isSetA isSetB p =
  ΣPathP (funExt p , toPathP (
  ΣPathP (funExt lem , toPathP (
  ΣPathP (funExt₃  x y z  isSetB _ _ _ _) ,
          funExt₃  x y z  isSetA _ _ _ _))))))
    lem : (x : B)  transp  i  A) i0 (finv (transp  j  B) i0 x))  ginv x
    lem x =
      transp  i  A) i0 (finv (transp  j  B) i0 x))
         ≡⟨ transportRefl (finv (transp  j  B) i0 x)) 
      finv (transp  j  B) i0 x) ≡⟨ cong finv (transportRefl x) 
      finv x                       ≡⟨ cong finv (sym (εg x (ginv x) refl)) 
      finv (g (ginv x))            ≡⟨ ηf (ginv x) (g (ginv x)) (sym (p (ginv x))) 
      ginv x 

Group Properties

We are able to define composition and inverses as follows:

infixr 30 _∘_
_∘_ : Inverse B C  Inverse A B  Inverse A C
_∘_ (f , g , p , q) (f′ , g′ , p′ , q′) =
   x  f (f′ x)) ,
   x  g′ (g x)) ,
   b x r  p b (f′ x) (p′ (g b) x r)) ,
  λ a y r  q′ a (g y) (q (f′ a) y r)

id-inv : Inverse A A
id-inv =  x  x) ,  x  x) ,  b x p  p) , λ a y p  p

As wanted, associativity and unitality hold definitionally.

inv-comp-assoc :  (f : Inverse C D) (g : Inverse B C) (h : Inverse A B) 
                   f  (g  h)  (f  g)  h
inv-comp-assoc f g h = refl

id-unit-left : (f : Inverse A B)  id-inv  f  f
id-unit-left f = refl

id-unit-right : (f : Inverse A B)  f  id-inv  f
id-unit-right f = refl

The remainder of the properties also hold.

inv-inv : (f : Inverse A B)  Inverse B A
inv-inv (f , g , p , q) = g , f , q , p

inv-inv-left : isSet A  (f : Inverse A B)  inv-inv f  f  id-inv
inv-inv-left isSetA f@( ,  , ε , η) =
  inverse-equality-lemma (inv-inv f  f) id-inv isSetA isSetA λ x  η x ( x) refl

inv-inv-right : isSet B  (f : Inverse A B)  f  inv-inv f  id-inv
inv-inv-right isSetB f@( ,  , ε , η) =
  inverse-equality-lemma (f  inv-inv f) id-inv isSetB isSetB λ x  ε x ( x) refl